文件編碼 | 文件標題 | 版本 | 版本日期 (mm-yyyy) |
執行日期 (mm-yyyy) |
檔案格式 |
HKIAS 005 | Application for Accreditation of an Inspection Body (IB) / Application for Extension of Scope of Accreditation of an IB | 01-2025 | 01-2025 | PDF DOC | |
HKIAS SC-03 | HKIAS Supplementary Criteria No. 3 'Construction Products Inspection - Welding Inspection' | 第七版 | 09-2024 | 01-2025 | |
HOKLAS 007 | Assessment / Reassessment Questionnaire for Non-medical Laboratories (Based on ISO/IEC 17025:2017) | 01-2025 | 01-2025 | PDF DOC | |
HOKLAS 007-A1 | Scope of Accreditation Sought (for new application for accreditation or extension of scope of accreditation only) | 01-2025 | 01-2025 | PDF DOC | |
HOKLAS 007-A2 | Management System Checklist (Based on ISO/IEC 17025:2017) | 01-2025 | 01-2025 | PDF DOC | |
HOKLAS SC-17 | HOKLAS Supplementary Criteria No. 17 "'Construction Materials' Test Category - Accreditation of Building Components and Related Tests" | 第七版 | 01-2025 | 01-2025 | |
HOKLAS SC-43 | HOKLAS Supplementary Criteria No. 43 '“Chinese Medicine” and “Food”- Species Identification by DNA Sequencing for Authentication Purpose' | 第六版 | 01-2025 | 01-2025 | |
HKCAS 007 | Assessment / Reassessment Questionnaire (for Management System Certification Bodies) | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKCAS 007-A2F1 | Management System Checklist (for ISMS Certification) (based on ISO/IEC 27006: 2015 + A1: 2020) | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKCAS 007-A2F2 | Management System Checklist (for ISMS Certification) (based on ISO/IEC 27006-1: 2024) | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKCAS AP001 | HKCAS Application Package 001 '管理體系認證機構的認可' | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | ||
HKCAS SC-08 | HKCAS Supplementary Criteria No. 8 'Accreditation Programme for Information Security Management System (ISMS) Certification' | 第八版 | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | |
HKIAS SC-04 | HKIAS Supplementary Criteria No. 4 'Indoor Air Quality Inspection' | 第九版 | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | |
HKCAS 016 | Application for using the Combined IAF MLA Mark | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HOKLAS AP007 | HOKLAS Application Package 007 '環境測試實驗所的認可' | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | ||
HKCAS SC-16C | 認證機構認可計劃補充準則第16號 - 香港認證機構認可計劃的認可規則—審定和核查機構 | 第五版 | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | |
HOKLAS SC-29 | HOKLAS Supplementary Criteria No. 29 "'Medical Testing' Test Category - Immunology" | 第八版 | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | PDF DOC |
HOKLAS AP008 | HOKLAS Application Package 008 '中藥、化學測試、科學鑑證及藥物測試實驗所的認可' | 12-2024 | 12-2024 | ||
HOKLAS SC-14 | HOKLAS Supplementary Criteria No. 14 "‘Electrical and Electronic Products’ and‘Toys and Children’s Products’ Test Categories – Electrical Tests " | 第八版 | 11-2024 | 11-2024 | |
HOKLAS AP015 | HOKLAS Application Package 015 '獸醫化驗所的認可' | 11-2024 | 11-2024 | ||
HOKLAS AP004 | HOKLAS Application Package 004 '食品測試實驗所的認可' | 11-2024 | 11-2024 | ||
HKIAS 007 | Assessment / Reassessment Questionnaire for Inspection Bodies | 11-2024 | 11-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKIAS 007-A1 | Scope of Accreditation Sought (for New Application for Accreditation or Extension of Scope of Accreditation only) | 11-2024 | 11-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HOKLAS SC-47 | HOKLAS Supplementary Criteria No. 47 "'Construction Materials' Test Category - Accreditation of Fire Testing" | 第五版 | 11-2024 | 11-2024 | |
HOKLAS SC-55 | HOKLAS Supplementary Criteria No. 55 'Construction Materials' Test Category – Accreditation of Underground Utility Survey | 第二版 | 11-2024 | 11-2024 | |
HKIAS IN001 | Application Procedures for HKIAS Accreditation (Informative) | Issue 3 | 10-2024 | 10-2024 | |
AF10 | HOKLAS Signatory Assessment Form (Proficiency Testing Providers) | 10-2024 | 10-2024 | DOC | |
AF11 | HOKLAS Assessment Report (Proficiency Testing Provider) | 10-2024 | 10-2024 | DOC | |
IF03 | HKIAS Assessment Report | 09-2024 | 09-2024 | DOC | |
HKIAS 012 | Application for an Additional Copy of a Certificate of Accreditation | 09-2024 | 09-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKCAS AP001 | HKCAS Application Package 001 '管理體系認證機構的認可' | 09-2024 | 09-2024 | ||
HKIAS SC-02 | HKIAS Supplementary Criteria No. 2 'Construction Products Inspection - General Products' | 第八版 | 09-2024 | 09-2024 | |
HKIAS SC-03 | HKIAS Supplementary Criteria No. 3 'Construction Products Inspection - Welding Inspection' | 第七版 | 09-2024 | 01-2025 | |
HOKLAS SC-49C | 實驗所認可計劃補充準則第49號 - 承擔中國內地自願性認證相關檢測服務的認可要求 | 第六版 | 09-2024 | 09-2024 | |
AF03 | HOKLAS Assessment Report (AF03) for ISO/IEC 17025:2017 | 09-2024 | 09-2024 | DOC | |
HOKLAS SC-34C | 實驗所認可計劃補充準則第34號 '實驗所認可計劃的認可規例-能力驗證提供者' | 第七版 | 09-2024 | 09-2024 | |
HKCAS SC-04C | 認證機構認可計劃補充準則第4號 - 香港認證機構認可計劃的認可規例-認證機構 | 第十八版 | 08-2024 | 08-2024 | |
HOKLAS 012 | Application for an Additional Copy of a Certificate of Accreditation | 08-2024 | 08-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKCAS 007-A2G | Management System Checklist [for OH&SMS certification (based on ISO/IEC TS 17021-10: 2018)] | 08-2024 | 08-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKCAS SC-07 | HKCAS Supplementary Criteria No. 7 "Accreditation Programme for Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification" | 第七版 | 08-2024 | 08-2024 | |
HOKLAS SC-36 | HOKLAS Supplementary Criteria No. 36 "'Construction Materials' Test Category–Supplementary Accreditation Requirements" | 第六版 | 07-2024 | 07-2024 | |
HOKLAS SC-32 | HOKLAS Supplementary Criteria No. 32 " 'Medical Testing' Test Category - Verification of Biological Reference Intervals from Other Sources" | 第六版 | 07-2024 | 07-2024 | |
HOKLAS SC-52 | HOKLAS Supplementary Criteria No. 52 "'Veterinary Testing’Test Category" | 第三版 | 07-2024 | 07-2024 | |
HOKLAS SC-33C | 實驗所認可計劃補充準則第33號 '實驗所認可計劃的認可規例 - 實驗所' | 第十一版 | 07-2024 | 01-2025 | |
HOKLAS SC-39C | 實驗所認可計劃補充準則第39號 '實驗所認可計劃的認可規例-標準物質生產者' | 第七版 | 06-2024 | 06-2024 | |
HKCAS IN001 | Application Procedures for HKCAS Accreditation (Informative) | 第五版 | 06-2024 | 06-2024 | |
HKIAS SC-07 | HKIAS Supplementary Criteria No.7 'Scene of Crime Investigation' | 第二版 | 06-2024 | 06-2024 | |
HKCAS 007-A2J | Management System Checklist (for RCHE-MS Certification) | 06-2024 | 06-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKCAS SC-14C | 認證機構認可計劃補充準則第14號 - 關於香港認證機構派員赴內地進行認證活動的要求 | 第四版 | 06-2024 | 06-2024 | |
HKCAS 007-A2H | Management System Checklist [for QMS Certification (based on ISO/IEC 17021-3: 2017)] | 06-2024 | 06-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKCAS 007-A2D | Management System Checklist [for EMS Certification (based on ISO/IEC 17021-2: 2016)] | 06-2024 | 06-2024 | PDF DOC | |
HKCAS 007-A2A | Management System Checklist (for any Management System Certification) | 06-2024 | 06-2024 | PDF DOC |