Access to Information

Code on Access to Information

The Government exists to serve the community well within available resources. To this end, it recognises the need for the community to be well informed about the Government, the services it provides and the basis for policies and decisions that affect individuals and the community as a whole.

The Code on Access to Information (the Code) defines the scope of information that will be provided, sets out how the information will be made available either routinely or in response to a request, and lays down procedures governing its prompt release.

The Code authorises and requires civil servants, routinely or on request, to provide information unless there are specific reasons for not doing so. These reasons are set out in Part 2 and will normally be referred to if a request for information is refused.

Requests for information will be handled as promptly and helpfully as possible and if necessary, members of the public may be approached to clarify their requests or the requests may be directed to the most appropriate department. Procedures will be kept as simple as possible.

The Code also sets out procedures for review or complaint if a member of the public considers that the provisions of the Code have not been properly applied.

The Code can be accessed at


The Innovation and Technology Commission implements the Code which stipulates that information held by the government will be made available, either routinely or on request, unless there are valid reasons related to public, private or commercial interest to withhold the information.

Disclosure Log

The disclosure log provides summary descriptions of the nature of information requested and released under the Code on Access to Information by this Commission. The disclosure log will be updated on a quarterly basis.

If any member of the public wishes to obtain any information listed in the disclosure log, an information request should be made to our Access to Information Officer. Such requests will be handled in accordance with the Code.

  • 2020

    January to March 2020

    Reference number Information requested and released
    1/2020 Information on Departmental Supplier’s List
    2/2020 Information on Translation Tenders
    3/2020 Information on Telephone Hotlines
    4/2020 Statistics regarding Innovation and Technology Fund in 2015-16

    April to June 2020
    There were no new entries in this quarter.

    July to September 2020

    Reference number Information requested and released
    6/2020 Information on CuMask+TM
    7/2020 Information on “Public Sector Trial Scheme – Special Call for Projects for the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Hong Kong

    October to December 2020

    Reference number Information requested and released
    8/2020 Request for information document on the Distance Business (D-Biz) Programme
    9/2020 Request for information on Successful Application for the Research Talent Hub for SPC (RTH-SPC) and the Employment Support Scheme (ESS)
  • 2021

    January to March 2021
    There were no new entries in this quarter.

    April to June 2021
    There were no new entries in this quarter.

    July to September 2021

    Reference number Information requested and released
    2/2021 Roles and responsibilities of Scientific Officer in the Innovation and Technology Commission

    October to December 2021

    Reference number Information requested and released
    3/2021 Request for information on ITC had funded any projects related to E-health through its funding schemes and if ITC would collaborate with FHB to find small and maintain E-health related systems.
  • 2022

    January to March 2022
    There were no new entries in this quarter.

    April to June 2022
    There were no new entries in this quarter.

    July to September 2022

    Reference number Information requested and released
    1/2022 Request for the total number of Trade Officer Grade officers in ITC and the number of the aforementioned officers who are given approval for outside work and the nature of such outside work.

    October to December 2022

    Reference number Information requested and released
    2/2022 Request for information related to the environmental initiatives of ITC from Greenpeace
    3/2022 Request for information related to the TVP program
    4/2022 Request of information related to overseas visits undertaken by Trade Officers Grade in ITC
  • 2023

    January to March 2023

    Reference number Information requested and released
    1/2023 Innovation and Technology Enterprise in Hong Kong

    April to June 2023
    There were no new entries in this quarter.

    July to September 2023

    Reference number Information requested and released
    2/2023 Request for information related to the Tseung Kwan O Government Offices under construction in accordance with the Code on Access to Information

    October to December 2023

    Reference number Information requested and released
    3/2023 Information on STEM Internship Scheme
    6/2023 Information on policies/guidelines for government employees working from home
    7/2023 Whether the General Section has recorded the arrival and departure times of all its staff
    8/2023 Request for information related to election
  • 2024

    January to March 2024

    Reference number Information requested and released
    1/2024 Concerns about complaint handling mechanism of ITC
    2/2024 Overtime Work of AOs 2023


    April to June 2024

    There were no new entries in this quarter.


Note: The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons / companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.

Requests for Information

Records available at the Innovation and Technology Commission to which the public may have access are shown by category in the list below -

  • Funding Schemes Division

    1. Administration
      1. Administrative Matters
      2. Establishment
      3. Stores, Furniture and Office Equipment
      4. Contribution to Publications
      5. Correspondence and Liaison
    2. Funding Schemes
      1. Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) - General
      2. ITF – Research and Development Cash Rebate Scheme
      3. ITF – Technology Voucher Programme
      4. ITF – Research Talent Hub for Technology Companies
      5. ITF – Research Talent Hub for Incubatees and Innovation and Technology Tenants of the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
      6. ITF – Patent Application Grant
      7. ITF – Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme
      8. ITF – New Industrialisation Funding Scheme (formerly known as Re-industrialisation Funding Scheme (RFS))
      9. ITF – Enterprise Support Scheme
    3. Technological Infrastructure
      1. Hong Kong Productivity Council
  • Research & Development Centres Division

    1. Funding Schemes
      1. ITF – Innovation and Technology Support Programme
      2. ITF – Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme
      3. ITF – Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme
      4. ITF – Partnership Research Programme
      5. ITF – Public Sector Trial Scheme
      6. ITF – Research Talent Hub for ITF Projects
      7. ITF – General Support Programme
      8. ITF – Fund for Better Living
    2. Technological Infrastructure
      1. Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre Limited
      2. Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited
      3. The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel Limited
  • Infrastructure Division

    1. Administration
      1. Administrative Matters
      2. Articles and Speeches for the Press
      3. Contributions to Publications
      4. Establishment
      5. Seminars and Meetings to be attended by officers of 'I' Division
      6. Stores, Furniture and Office Equipment
    2. Technological Infrastructure
      1. Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
    3. Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop
  • Policy and Development Division

    1. Advisory Committee on Innovation and Technology
      1. Report of the Advisory Committee on Innovation and Technology
      2. Membership
      3. Announcements
    2. Promotion of Innovation and Technology
      1. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation – Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (APEC PPSTI)
      2. Science and Technology Indicators
      3. State Science and Technology Awards
      4. InnoCarnival
      5. China Hi-Tech Fair – Hong Kong Pavilion
    3. Funding Schemes
      1. ITF – Funding Support for Technology Transfer Offices of Local Universities
      2. ITF – Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities
      3. ITF – STEM Internship Scheme
      4. ITF – Funding Support for State Key Laboratories
      5. ITF – Funding Support for Hong Kong Branches of Chinese National Engineering Research Centres
      6. ITF – Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus Scheme
      7. The Applied Research Fund
  • Quality Services Division

    1. Standards and Calibration Laboratory (SCL)
      1. General Matters
      2. Administrative Matters
      3. Circulars
      4. Establishment
      5. Finance
      6. Calibration Services
        • Accreditation
        • Calibration Charges
        • Calibration Services for Government Departments
        • Calibration Services for Private and Government Subsidised Organisation
        • Calibration / Re-calibration of Equipment
        • Consultancy
        • Maintenance of Equipment
        • Measurement Traceability
        • Procurement
        • Quality Control
        • Statistics and Returns
        • Technical Enquiry
      7. Stores, Furniture and Office Equipment
      8. Accommodation and Related Matters
    2. Accreditation Services Section
      1. General Matters
      2. Accreditation Schemes of HOKLAS, HKCAS and HKIAS
      3. Proficiency Testing Programmes
      4. Policy and General Technical Matters Pertaining to a Test Category, Certification Service and Inspection Field
      5. Participation in International and Regional Accreditation Activities
    3. Product Standards Information Bureau (PSIB)
      1. Administrative and General Matters
      2. Participation in International and Regional Standardization Activities
      3. Overseas Standards Organisation
      4. Product Standards Library
      5. Standards Sales Service
    4. Administration Section
      1. Administrative Matters
      2. Circulars
      3. General Matters
      4. Meetings
      5. Procurement Matters
    5. Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
      1. Membership
      2. Terms of Reference
      3. Announcements
    6. Secretariat, Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification
      1. Administrative Matters
      2. Establishment
    7. Technological Infrastructure
      1. Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited
    8. Technology Talent Admission Scheme
  • Research Clusters Division

    1. Administration
      1. General Administrative Matters
    2. Innovation and Technology Venture Fund (ITVF)
      1. ITVF Advisory Committee
    3. Designation of Designated Local Research Institutions (DLRIs)
      1. DLRI Expert Panel
    4. InnoHK Clusters
      1. General Matters
      2. Announcements
  • Administration Division

    1. Human Resources Section
      1. Appointments (including Acting Appointments)
      2. Awards, Commendations and Medals
      3. Conduct and Discipline
      4. Contact with the Public
      5. Creation and Deletion of Posts
      6. Delegated Authority, Office Instructions and Departmental Circulars
      7. Departmental Establishment Committee Machinery
      8. Establishment Data
      9. Job Description and Conditions of Services
      10. Leave
      11. Medical and Dental Facilities
      12. Passages and Baggage Allowances
      13. Pensions, Gratuities and Bonuses
      14. Probation, Trial, Efficiency and Promotion
      15. Quarters and Housing
      16. Salaries and Allowances
      17. Staff Matters
      18. Staff Postings and Vacancies
      19. Staff Relations, Consultations, Welfare and Career Development
      20. Staff Reports, Staff Lists and Certificate of Service
      21. Staffing Proposals
      22. Statistical and Periodical Returns to other Departments
      23. Termination of Service, Resignation, Retirement, Redundancy and Extension of Service
      24. Training and Duty Visits
    2. Finance Section
      1. Accounting Policies and Procedures
      2. Departmental Expenditure
      3. Departmental Resources Accounts
      4. Estimates of Expenditure
      5. Fees and Charges
      6. Financial and Accounting Circulars
      7. Resource Allocation Exercise
      8. Revenue Estimates
      9. Stores and Inventory Records
      10. Vote and Allocation Reports
    3. General Section
      1. Office Accommodation
      2. Telephone and Communication
      3. Circulars and Office Instructions
      4. Office Security
      5. Departmental Transportation
  • Public Relations and Information Unit

    1. Press Releases
    2. Legislative Council Business
    3. Publications

Requests for the information or records may be made by e-mail, letter or application form. The application should be addressed to:

Innovation and Technology Commission

Access to Information Officer
Address: 33/F, Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

The Access to Information Officer is responsible for ensuring that requests for access to information under the Code are properly dealt with in accordance with specified procedures.


Other than publications/information which are available free of charge, or at cost specified, the commission will levy a photocopying charge for the information sought. The applicant will be informed in advance of the charge to be levied.


For enquiries, please contact us at:

Telephone: (852) 3855 7600
Fax: (852) 2730 4633