Performance Pledges

Performance Pledges in 2024 and Achievements in 2023

Research Talent Hub

Our Pledge in 2024 Achievement in 2023
1. To inform applicants of the result of their applications within 5 working days upon receipt of full information by the Innovation and Technology Commission under the Research Talent Hub for R&D projects funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund and from incubatees and innovation and technology tenants of the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited 99.5%
2. To inform applicants of the result of their applications within 20 working days upon receipt of full information under the Research Talent Hub from companies outside the Hong Kong Science Park and Cyberport 100%

Technology Voucher Programme

Our Pledge in 2024 Achievement in 2023
1. To make available assessment result of a Technology Voucher Programme application within 60 working days upon receipt of full information including necessary supporting documents from the applicant 99.6%
2. To make available assessment result of a final report of an approved Technology Voucher Programme project within 60 working days upon receipt of full information including necessary supporting documents from the applicant 91.6%
3. To disburse the final payment of a Technology Voucher Programme project within 20 working days upon approval of the final project report and receipt of necessary information in relation to disbursement from the applicant. 91.8%

Research and Development Cash Rebate Scheme

Our Pledge in 2024 Achievement in 2023
1. To make available assessment result of a Research and Development Cash Rebate Scheme application within 30 working days upon receipt of full information including necessary supporting documents from the applicant and the research institution 99.7%

New Industrialisation Funding Scheme

Our Pledge in 2024 Achievement in 2023
1. To make available assessment results of 90% New Industrialisation Funding Scheme applications within 55 working days upon receipt of full information, including necessary supporting and supplementary documents/information from the respective applicants. Not applicable*

*Performance pledge for the service is newly introduced in 2024.

Standard-related Services

Our Pledge in 2024 Achievement in 2023
1. To process 95% of technical enquiries on product standards within 1 working day 100%
2. To process quotation on standards within 1 working day 100%
3. To process orders for licensed reproduction of standards within 2 working days 100%

Standards and Calibration Laboratory

Our Pledge in 2024 Achievement in 2023
1. To issue 97% of quotations for calibration services within 2 working days upon confirmation of calibration requirement 100%
2. To complete 95% of calibration of equipment within 13 working days 100%

Hong Kong Accreditation Service

Our Pledge in 2024 Achievement in 2023
1. To issue 90% of letters for confirming accreditation assessments within 4 working days 100%
2. To publish updated information of 90% of accredited organisations on website within 4 working days 100%

Complaints Handling

Our Pledge in 2024 Achievement in 2023
1. To issue an acknowledgement or an interim reply within 10 calendar days upon receiving a complaint 94.7%
2. To send a full reply to the complainant within 1 month upon receipt of the complaint (or a detailed explanation for complicated cases which cannot be fully addressed within 1 month) 100%