Purple π as Symbol
Why a purple π?
- with a little imagination, the letters ITC can be combined to form the letter π;
- π symbolises the scientific and technological approach. It has been important in the history of man's scientific and technological advancement, from astronomy to probability to the physics of sound and light;
- π represents a mathematical constant having a history going back 4,000 years, the earliest written record being from the Egyptian Rhind Papyrus around 1650 BC. Since then, many famous scientists and mathematicians both in the West and East (such as Archimedes of Syracuse, 287-212 BC and Tsu Chung-chi of China, 430-501 AD) have sought to define it more precisely;
- the 4,000 year search for the ultimate value of π symbolises the constant aim of technology to derive improved solutions to problems; and
- purple is an attractive colour and has long been associated with leadership, dignity and government.