Application for Inclusion in The ITC Supplier Lists
The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) maintains lists of suppliers of various goods and services for quotation invitation.
Application for inclusion in the ITC Supplier Lists is free of charge. Any firm not currently included but wishing to be considered for inclusion in these lists may apply by completing an application form and returning it to the Supplies Supervisor I (Headquarters), ITC for processing.
The application form for inclusion in the ITC Supplier Lists and related documents are available for download in our website:
- Application Form for Inclusion in the ITC Supplier Lists
- Guidance Notes for Application for Inclusion as an ITC Suppliers
- The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region – Prevention of Bribery Ordinance – Chapter 201
Applications received will be processed by ITC. Subject to the confirmation of their credentials, those firms that are found acceptable will be included in the ITC Supplier Lists. Their continued inclusions in these lists will depend on their demonstrated ability to offer competitive quotations and on their performance in connection with any order(s) or contract(s) which they have been awarded. ITC reserves the right to review the status of a firm as an ITC Supplier in the light of any new information that may affect such status.
Firms in the ITC Supplier Lists will be invited to quote for the supply of category(ies) of goods or related services, for which they have been included as suppliers, as and when opportunities arise.
Interested parties can contact the following officer for enquiries relating to the application for inclusion in ITC Supplier Lists and general quotation matters:
Supplies Supervisor I (Headquarters)
Innovation and Technology Commission
47/F, High Block, Queensway Government Offices,
66 Queensway, Hong Kong
Tel.: (852) 2867 1590
Fax: (852) 2314 7988
Categories of goods/ services for which firms may apply to be included as supplier.
- Advertising Services
- Architectural, Engineering & Survey Services
- Art, Commercial Photography and Graphics
- Books, periodicals and Newspaper
- Cameras & Photographic Stores
- Car Rental
- Chemicals and Allied Products
- Cleaning-Laundry & Garment Services
- Commercial and Office Furniture
- Computer Programming, Data Processing Services
- Courier Services
- Electronic Components
- Florists
- Hardware Stores
- Laboratory Equipment
- Stationery Items
- Calibration Services and Equipment Supplies
- Supply of Hotel Services
- Event Management
- Souvenir
- Travel agency
- Translation / Simultaneous Interpretation Services
- Manpower Agency
- Cleaning Service
For information about other departments which maintain supplier lists, please click the hyperlink below to make reference to the “List Table of Government Departments Which Maintain Supplier Lists for Commonly Used Goods and Services” on the website of the Government Logistics Department.