Enhanced Tax Deduction for R&D - Designated Local Research Institutions (DLRI)
Expert Panel on the Designation of DLRI
(1.1.2023 – 31.12.2024)
- Professor YAM Wing-wah, Vivian, SBS, JP
- Professor WONG Kwok-yin
- Ir Dr CHAN Wan-ching, Lawrence
- Professor CHAU Kwok-tong
- Dr CHENG Heung-kwan, Celine
- Mr LAI Shiao-bun, Edmond (Representative of the Hong Kong Productivity Council)
- Professor LAM Yin-mun, Edmund
- Professor LAW Kam-tuen, Vic
- Professor LEE Chun-sing
- Ir LEE Kam-hung
- Mr LIU An-ting, Andy
- Professor MA Kwai-yee, Stephanie
- Ir NG Kwok-ho, Victor, MH
- Ir WU Wai-keung
- Professor YAM Yeung
Ex-officio Members
- Commissioner for Innovation and Technology or his/her representative
- Government Chemist or his/her representative
- Science Advisor, Innovation and Technology Commission
- Biotechnology Director, Innovation and Technology Commission
- Assistant Commissioner (Research Clusters), Innovation and Technology Commission
Terms of Reference
The Expert Panel is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology on :
- the vetting of applications from local institutions for designation as DLRIs;
- the renewal / revocation of the designation of DLRIs; and
- the monitoring and improvement of the DLRI designation mechanism and other related matters.