Calibration Services
Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration: Vibration Calibrator, Exciter Shaker
Vibration Calibrators

A vibration calibrator is usually a portable electromechanical instrument which generates a sinusoidal mechanical vibration signal with defined amplitude and frequency and is used for verification of the performance of an accelerometer. The Vibration Laboratory of the SCL provides calibration services on vibration calibrators covering the measurement of their output vibration levels at the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 kHz.
Vibration Exciters / Vibration Shakers

A vibration exciter / shaker is an instrument used in vibration testing which converts an electrical signal into a mechanical movement and is controlled to maintain a certain vibration level or force. The Vibration Laboratory of the SCL provides calibration services on vibration exciters / shakers covering the measurement of their output vibration levels at the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 kHz.