Calibration Services
Electrical: Radio Frequency Measurements
50 Ω Coaxial Passive Devices

Network analyser is used to measure reflection and transmission characteristics of electrical networks at high frequencies.
The Standards and Calibration Laboratory provides calibration service for 50 Ω coaxial passive devices. The tests include measurement of S-parameters, include voltage reflection coefficient, voltage transmission coefficient, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and attenuation for frequency from 300 kHz to 40 GHz.
Power Splitters

Power splitters are usually constructed by two resistors. They are often used in power ratio measurements such as calibration of RF power meters.
The Standards and Calibration Laboratory provides calibration services for power splitters for frequency from 300 kHz to 40 GHz. Power splitters are three-port network devices. Port 1 is input and ports 2 and 3 are output. The following parameters will be measured and reported:
- The magnitude of the effective output voltage reflection coefficient (VRC) (also called equivalent source mismatch)
- The output tracking of ports 2 and 3
Signal Generators

The basic calibration of a RF signal generator for frequency from 10 kHz to 40 GHz normally includes tests on output level accuracy, level flatness, and frequency accuracy.
Internal modulation (AM and FM) check, and timebase calibration can be provided at extra charge.
Modulation Meters
The Laboratory has measurement capability for frequency and amplitude modulations, for carrier frequency from 150 kHz to 1.3 GHz
Spectrum Analysers

The calibration of a spectrum analyser for frequency from 10 kHz to 40 GHz normally includes checks on frequency accuracy, level flatness, level linearity, input attenuation and calibration reference output.

The Laboratory provides calibrations for oscilloscopes with time base accuracy of better than 1.2% and/or vertical deflection accuracy of better than 3.2%, up to 4 input channels for bandwidth up to 1 GHz real time.
For plug-in type oscilloscopes, the combined unit of mainframe and plug-in units will be calibrated as a composite unit.
The calibration of an oscilloscope normally includes:
- Tests on horizontal sweep.
- Tests on vertical deflection.
- Measurement of upper-3 dB bandwidth.
Oscilloscope Calibrators

The Laboratory can provide calibrations for oscilloscope calibrators. The calibration normally includes checks on amplitude output in the range from 40 µV to 100 V and time mark output in the range from 0.5ns to 5s.