Calibration Services
Mass and Related Quantities: Pressure Measurements
The Mass and related quantities Laboratory of SCL can provide calibration services for barometers, pressure balances, deadweight tester, pressure gauges, pressure meters and pressure transducers. The SCL's reference pressure balances (deadweight standards) are used to generate accurate reference pressure.
The calibration ranges for gas-operated pressure balance is:
- 3.5 kPa to 7 MPa
The calibration ranges for oil-operated pressure balance is:
- 0.5 MPa to 140 MPa

Barometers are normally calibrated over the range of 970 HPa to 1 020 hPa against a standard barometer in a cyclic series of rising and falling pressures in a test chamber with precision pressure control, with measurements taken at 2-3 pressure points between 970 hPa and 1020 hPa. The gas used for the calibration is normally either dry nitrogen or compressed air.
Where the calibration range requested is beyond that of the standard barometer, a service is also provided for the direct calibration of devices against a pressure balance.
Barometers (digital (electronic) and precision aneroid) must be able to measure instant atmospheric pressure or equipped with a pressure connection port to enable them to be connected to a closed pneumatic system. Some barometric pressure sensors are gas species dependent and it is important to specify the gas to be used for the calibration.
Pressure Balance / Deadweight Tester

The pressure balance / deadweight tester which uses a piston cylinder unit on which loads are placed to make an equilibrium with an applied pressure underneath the piston. The SCL can provide calibration for the effective area of the piston cylinder unit of the pressure balance / deadweight tester by using the cross-floating method. The effective area of the piston cylinder unit is determined as a function of known pressure. Or the SCL can provide calibration for the pressure generated by the pressure balance / deadweight tester under calibration with various combination of stacked weights by comparisons with the SCL's reference pressure balances.
Pressure Gauge, Pressure Meter, Pressure Transducer

Pressure gauge (analog or digital type), pressure meter (analog or digital type) and pressure transducer can be calibrated by comparison with the SCL's reference pressure balances or by comparison with the SCL's reference pressure gauges.