Calibration Services
Time and Frequency: Stopwatch, Electronic Timer, Metronome
Watch/Stop Watch

The Laboratory offers calibration service for watches/stop watches with internal crystal and step motor.The calibration of watches/stop watches includes the measurement of its relative frequency accuracy.
A technical paper on the calibration method developed by the Standards and Calibration Laboratory has been published:
Electronic Timer
The Laboratory offers calibration service for electronic timers with time base output or accessible electronic start/stop trigger. The calibration of electronic timer normally includes time base measurement (if available) and 6 time interval measurements.

A Metronome is a device that emits regular tick sounds. The frequency of the tick sounds is normally configurable in beat per minute (BPM). For example, a Metronome configured at 60BPM emits tick sounds at a rate of 60 beats per minute.
The frequency accuracy of the Metronome can be measured by using a Metronome tester. A Metronome tester essentially is a frequency counter equipped with a microphone sensor that picks up the acoustic signal emitted by the Metronome under test. The reading of a Metronome tester is normally given in time error of seconds per day.
The Laboratory offers calibration service for Metronome by measuring the correction to the time error reading.