Launched by the Innovation and Technology Commission, the Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) aims to subsidise local enterprises in using technological services and solutions to improve productivity, upgrade or transform their business processes.
Since February 28, 2018, the eligibility of the TVP has been relaxed to cover all non-listed local enterprises registered under the Business Registration Ordinance, irrespective of size and duration of operation. An applicant enterprise is only required to have substantive business operation in Hong Kong at the time of application. Under the Programme, cumulative funding of up to HK$200,000 will be provided to each eligible enterprise on a 2:1 matching basis. This means that the applicant enterprise only needs to contribute one-third of the total project cost. Upon completion of the project, the Government will reimburse up to two-thirds of the actual project cost to the applicant enterprise. The TVP is open for application throughout the year and its application procedure is simple. Interested enterprises are only required to fill in a simple online application form and upload the required documents.
Since the launch of the TVP, many enterprises have successfully saved resources and enhanced operation efficiency by adopting suitable technological services and solutions with the support of the Programme. Please watch the following video of case sharing by two successful applicant enterprises and click here for more details of the TVP.
Mrs Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive, attended a reception at the Central Government Offices on June 4, to commend the Hong Kong delegation on their award-winning inventions shown at the 46th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (the Exhibition), before taking a tour of the exhibits. Also in attendance were Mr Reto Renggli, the Consul-General of Switzerland to Hong Kong and Macau, Mr Paul Chan, Financial Secretary, and Mr Nicholas Yang, the Secretary for Innovation and Technology.
The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) has launched a new video to showcase outstanding projects of its five research and development (R&D) centres.
The Standards and Calibration Laboratory (SCL) has developed a verification service for Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) on linear dimensions measurement in accordance with ISO 10360-2:2009. This service was peer reviewed by Dr Tan Siew-leng of National Metrology Centre, Singapore and accredited by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) in April 2018.
The Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies (LSCM) announced its name had been changed to Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) in late May 2018. The name change reflects LSCM’s long-term vision and mission to become a leading research and development (R&D) centre, and its efforts to initiate and conduct R&D activities in various core technology areas including logistics and supply chain management, robotics, e-Commerce, healthcare, and other related industries in Hong Kong.
The intelligent wearable exoskeleton developed by the Chinese technology company Fourier Intelligence ignites hope for the disabled. This powered lower-limb exoskeleton, Fourier X1, is sculpted from aluminium and carbon fibre reinforced plastic, making the exoskeleton light and wearable. High performance battery-powered motors are used to actuate the hips and knees, enabling the disabled or paraplegics to stand up and walk.
Upcoming I&T Event
The "Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textile Conference (AIFT) 2018" will be organised by the Institute of Textiles and Clothing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University from July 3 to 6, 2018. AIFT 2018 is a first-of-its-kind conference, bringing together researchers, engineers and practitioners in the area of using AI in fashion and textiles to discuss and explore the most promising theories and applied intelligence topics. The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA), as the partnering organisation, will have a technology showcase at the event. Click here for more details.
Enquiries & Comments
Innovation and Technology Commission
21/F, West Wing,
Central Government Offices,
2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong.