Technology Talent Admission Scheme (TechTAS)
Application Guides and Forms
For Applicants which are tenants / incubatees / grantees / occupants of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation or the Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
- Application Guide (TechTAS 01)
- Quota Application Form (TechTAS 01)
- Quota Application Form - Supplementary Sheet (TechTAS 01S)
- Application for Visa/Entry Permit (Online submission Note)
For Applicants which are NOT tenants / incubatees / grantees / occupants of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation or the Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
- Application Guide (TechTAS 02)
- Quota Application Form (TechTAS 02) (e-form for online submission) and Declaration (TechTAS 02d) (please download, complete and sign the declaration form with company chop, as part of the quota application)
- Application for Visa/Entry Permit (Online submission Note)
Note: With effect from 2 April 2023, applicants applying for visa/entry permit and extension of stay application of the Technology Talent Admission Scheme must submit relevant applications by electronic services. Applications submitted in person, by post or drop-in-box will no longer be accepted.
Electronic services for visa application allow applicants to complete the process of submission through the ImmD mobile application, the ImmD website ( or the GovHK website (